Mo Pitney Keeps Traditional Country Alive and Well in His New Single "Boy and A Girl Thing"
Newcomer Mo Pitney is making a name for himself - slowly becoming the poster child for the

revival of traditional country in our more contemporary genre, his second single "Boy and A Girl Thing" is continuing the stride that his debut single "Country" began.
Lyrically the song is a descriptive progression of love - from childhood silliness of "cooties" and teasing, "Boy and A Girl Thing" takes us on a realistic journey of romantic interactions between a boy and girl from childhood to geriatrics:
She'll stop wearing pig tails, take the braces off her teeth, he's stop making faces, start saving her a seat. It's a boy and a girl thing, a girl and a boy thing. She'll start wearing make-up and he'll start noticing the curves, they'll get a little nervous when she's with him and he's with her.
Another refreshing attribute is that there is not a repetitive chorus - each verse depicts a different stage in romance, ended by the title of the song - it's realistic, relatable, and will probably bring a smile to anyone who's been in love.:
They'll fight and act like children, make up like they're 17. And even when they're 80, it's still gonna be a boy and a girl thing, a girl and a boy thing.
And that voice. What could be described as the vocal love-child of Kix Brooks and Chris Young, new listeners are left in awe when they hear Pitney open his mouth for the first time. It resonants maturity, richness, and dare it be said, seduction. Combined with the relaxed influence of bass and steel guitar, it's a song that one can easily find themselves swaying along too.
It's no surprise he's becoming a favorite at the hallowed halls of the Grand Ole Opry, in which he's played several times in his short career. Go grab a couple of his songs off of iTunes and he'ss become a favorite of yours, too. Take a listen to the acoustic version below and tell us what you think.
Rating: Gotta take a listen.